But what are they? What does it all mean? And what can you do to protect yourself and your family from these infectious bacteria?
Oprah and Dr. Oz Report
Oprah, with the help of Dr. Mehmet Oz M.D., recently aired a show solely devoted to help people understand more about the emergence of these Superbug infections. As Oprah and Dr. Oz discussed, superbugs have been seen in the news as "flesh eating bacteria" (also called necrotizing fasciitis), MRSA (short for the bacteria called Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus), C. diff (the bacteria Clostridium difficile) and "Staph" (short for the bacteria Staphylococcus).
Oprah also interviewed NBA all-star Grant Hill, who got MRSA in 2003.
Why are these Superbugs Growing?
As a Microbiologist, I'm all too familiar with rise of antibiotic resistance and the ever growing MRSA and Staph superbug epidemic. These superbug infections have unfortunately been largely created because of the overuse and abuse of antibiotics.
Ever been to your doctor with a head cold and they prescribed antibiotics? Antibiotics do not work for viral infections (like the cold and flu), but often doctors will prescribe them so we go home with medication and we "feel" better because we have a bottle of pills. Antibiotics are also misused, and abused by the livestock industry. These and many more factors have lead to this Super bug rise that is taking lives every day.
What Treatments work for Superbugs?
Because of the abuse of antibiotics, many of these bacteria have become resistant or immune to the effects of these antibiotics. There are even some superbugs that are immune to all antibiotics available right now. While some antibiotics still work for infections, people using antibiotics most often struggle with recurring infections they can't get rid of.
The growing inability of mainstream medicine to successfully treat Staph and MRSA infections is a source frustration, disappointment, fear, and even despair for hundreds of thousands of people suffering from these potentially deadly infections. - Microbiologist and Staph Researcher Michelle Moore
It is apparent that alternative solutions need to be found to protect ourselves and treat these infections. Even the CDC admits it's just a matter of time before antibiotics fail completely. Fortunately, there are many natural antimicrobials available that are very effective, and do not cause antimicrobial resistance. Many of these have been used safely by European doctors for decades. These plant and herb extracts are very safe and can be extremely effective against these superbug infections.
My new guidebook MRSA Secrets Revealed is the most comprehensive publication on prevention and treatment of MRSA and Staph infections available today. This resource is backed by months of research on what's been found to be effective for MRSA and Staph, and includes my knowledge and education as a Microbiologist and Scientific Researcher.
Learn more about it by clicking here: MRSA Secrets Revealed.
Be prepared and protect yourself and your family. Be armed with the knowledge, tools and resources available to you (many your doctor may not even know about) and you will have everything you need to prevent getting these superbug infections as well as how to stop recurring infections and regain your health.
Michelle Moore
Microbiologist, Scientist and Health Advocate
Author of "MRSA Secrets Revealed"
Click here for MRSA and Staph infection treatment solutions